Vinyl Liner Pools
Since 1981, Thompson Pools, Inc. has installed thousands of in-ground liner pools in the south-east Georgia area. Vinyl liner pools are very durable, and come in many shapes, patterns and sizes. Thompson Pools builds & installs Latham polymer pool systems, which are some of the best & most durable vinyl liner pools in the industry. We choose to build with the Latham polymer pool system because of the fiber-infused structural polymer plastic wall that doesn’t break down or corrode, and has the highest wall strength of any pool building system. Latham pool products are ICC Certified, telling building inspectors and engineers that they are code compliant.
Check out our vinyl liner pool gallery to see some liner pool styles we have done in the past, and get some ideas for what will fit the style of your backyard best!
Advantages of Vinyl Liner Pools
- Soft vinyl surface won’t scratch or snag swimsuits
- All liners are treated with UV-inhibitors, so they stay looking like new for many years
- Liners are available in many patterns and colors
- Liners available in 20 and 27 mil material
- Ultra-Seam liners – stronger, virtually invisible seams
Let’s create the backyard you’ve been dreaming of!
For over 36 years, Thompson Pools has been helping people make their backyard dreams, reality. Come stop by our store in Statesboro, or send us an email and schedule your consultation today!

The Lathan Elite Polymer Pool
The Elite Polymer Pool combines the strength of the materials used with the strength offered by the overall design. Made of structural polymer like that used in sports equipment and army tanks, Elite wall panels have unrivaled strength. The Polymer braces, that support the panels and decking of the pool, are attached directly to the wall panels every three to six feet. The braces ensure that the pool retains its shape and prevents the deck from settling.